Update: 28 Agustus 2008
Seputar Linux Operating System
[2002] Tutor Modul : Linux Fundamental {Bab1 Metode Instalasi Linux} {Bab2 Proses Instalasi Mandrake 9.0} {Bab3,4,5 Module System Linux: Mengenal Linux, Menggunakan System Linux, Pemrograman Shell}Seputar Jaringan Nirkabel (Wireless Network)
[2004] Artikel : Setting up
MeshAP : Wireless Distribution System (sebuah percobaan) {html}
[2004] Artikel : How to kill “that” access point ::: DoS
menggunakan Airjack tools {html}
[2004] Presentasi: Setup and Optimizing Wireless Client in Linux
[2004] Presentasi: Hacking and Cracking Wireless LAN {ppt}
[2004] Presentasi: Securing and Management Wireless LAN using
802.1x {ppt}
[2004] Presentasi: Implementasi 802x EAP TLS PEAP MSCHAPv2 {ppt}
[2004] Photo : Membuat Antena Kaleng {html}
[2004] Presentasi: NoCAT and 802.1x {ppt}
[2004] Presentasi: Hostapd sebagai Otentikator pada Wireless {ppt}
[2005] Presentasi: Wireless Network {ppt}
[2005] Presentasi: Hotspot Wireless LAN {ppt} {pdf}
[2006] Presentasi: Hacking Wireless (hacking wifi) {pdf}
[2006] Makalah : Wireless Security (Keamanan Wireless) {pdf}
Seputar Administrasi
System (System Administration)
[2005] Tutor/Lab : Internet Access (Lab tutorial using Proxy
Server for Internet Access) {pdf}
[2005] Tutor/Lab : Domain Name System (Lab tutorial using BIND)
[2005] Tutor/Lab : Mail Server Lab (Lab Tutorial using Postfix)
[2005] Tutor/Lab : Directory Services Lab (Lab Tutorial using
OpenLDAP) {pdf}
[2005] Tutor/Lab : Network Troubleshooting Lab {pdf}
Seputar Keamanan Sistem dan Jaringan (System & Network Security)
[2006] Presentasi : System and Network Hacking with Linux {pdf}[2006] Demo : Dokumen Demo System and Network Hacking with Linux {pdf}
[2007] Presentasi : Server Management {pdf}
[2007] Presentasi : Network Security Management {pdf}
Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS)
[2008] Presentasi: Strategi Go Open Source {pdf}Note: Jika ada link yang tidak bekerja atau keliru, mohon di sampaikan lewat link dibawah ini. Trims.
reported from http://josh.staff.ugm.ac.id